There is a big difference between a website and a webapp, and deciding which
is more suitable for use case is more important than choosing the

*Website* is old-school. There are multiple pages, and moving from one page
to another is done via hyperlinks. Websites aren't interactive, and are
largely content driven. A website has information to share, and hence SEO
becomes important. Blogs, newspapers and forums, corporate websites are
great examples.

*Webapps* are the new trend. They typically have just a single page.
Multiple views are simulated using javascript and DOM manipulation. History
and backbutton support are achieved by tricking the browser via fragment
identifiers. Webapps are usually interactive; user performs actions and site
responds quickly. Webapps are typically personalized for a user, and hence
SEO doesn't matter much. Gmail, Wave, Facebook are great examples of

You have to decide whether you need a Content-driven Website or an
interactive, personalized Webapp. Nobody can help you there.

Once you have made the decision, it becomes very simple. If your
requirements tend towards a Website, use server-side technologies like
JSP/Spring Webflow. Then use a js library like JQuery or YUI (or whatever)
and progressively enhance it to get a richer experience. DO NOT attempt to
build such a website using GWT; you are going to be dissatisfied with the
outcome. Although GWT has support for history, backbutton and SEO, its a lot
easier to get it right using traditional technologies.

But if what you want is more like a webapp, welcome to GWT! URLs can still
be bookmarkable - only they will end in #profile, #community and #videos.
History management comes automatically if you have bookmarkable urls. To
make it seo friendly, read the Ajax Crawling
Mixing JSP's and GWT is possible but in general a bad idea, because multiple
jsps are an indication that you want a website. More importantly, loading a
GWT module is expensive, and you only want to do that once per user

There are ways to overcome the problems you mention using both technologies.
The decision to use a particular technology should be based on your
requirements (website v/s app), and not on the specific problems you have


On 1 June 2010 21:32, ping2ravi <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to create a website and stuck with confusion over whether
> to use GWT for presentation or JSP based framework like Spring MVC. I
> want UI to be very user friendly,faster etc and this is possible with
> GWT. But following problem comes with GWT
> 1) Book marking of any page. As GWT is suppose to be one url
> application and everything should come under it. But how i will solve
> the problem if i have a site like Facebook, where url can be for User
> profile(/profile/1), My Home(/home), community(/cpmm),video(/video)
> etc. I can solve it by using one html and keeping everything as
> params(i.e. /myapp.htm?type=profile&id=1) but then i feel its not how
> GWT should be used or is this the only way i will be able to use it.
> 2) Not searchable by Search Engines. Search engine can not see what
> the content is as it always comes through RPC calls.
> 3) Implementing History is Overhead, if i fix the issue 1
> 4) Its not possibkle to mix jsps and GWT. I tried but GWT css start
> interfaring with my CSS, first starting with changing background
> color.
> But i still like GWT but not sure how i will solve these problems.
> Any suggestions/comments most welcome.
> Thanks,
> Ravi
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