
I am using Eclipse with GWT-plugin to develop a web application. As a
test I tried to deploy my application on JBoss in the following way

1.created a New Google Web Application project with Google App Engine
2.the application uses basic widgets ... Horizontal split panel,
label, Stackpanel
3.no rpc calls and all that ........... just a simple Hello World code
in client package
4.When I test it on eclipse(Debug As -> Web Application : it runs
5.Using build project, I copied all the files in 'war' folder to an
empty .war file and deployed it on JBoss
    - no error appeared on deployment
    - when I entered the URL, it gave an alert ' GWT app <app_name>
need to be re(compiled)'
6.Compiled it by right clicking on my project then Google -> GWT
compile and copied all the files in 'war' folder to an empty .war file
    - no error appeared on deployment
    - when I entered the URL, only the html heading written appeared
'Web Application Starter Project'

the contents of war folder are
    -lib -> gwt-servlet.jar
    -classes -> com -> abc -> pm -> MyApp.gwt.xml : entry point class
is HelloWorld
    -classes -> com -> abc -> pm -> client -> HelloWorld.class
    -classes -> com -> abc -> pm -> server and shared are empty
    -a file .gwt.rpc which was not there when I used GWT-compile
    -extra cache png's and html's(were added when I sued GWT compile)

-My Development and JBoss Server machine are different
-no environment variable by the name of GWT_HOME is set either on
Development or on Server machine

Kindly tell me if I am doing something wrong or if something unusual
is happening ?


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