I have the following inner interfaces defined in a custom widget class (a
decorator panel-type class):

public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create(Resources.class);

ImageResource roundedcornr_bl();

Style css();

public interface Style extends CssResource {
String roundedcornr_bottom_inner();

Contents of roundeddecoratorpanel.css:

.roundedcornr_bottom_inner {
gwt-image: 'roundedcornr_bl';

I'm using this in a ui.xml file:
<ui:with field="res" type="package.MyDecoratorPanel.Resources"/>
<div class="{res.css.roundedcornr_bottom_inner}"></div>

The image is there, the .css file is there, but the generated CSS does not
contain a background-image property like it should. What really annoys me is
that it clearly can't seem to find the image but it doesn't complain at
compile time.

Any ideas?


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