
I am using the Constants interface with simple properties files to
localize my app (foo_de.properties, foo_en.properties and so on). When
I run the app from eclipse (dev mode) everything works fine but when I
compile the app I get the error message that the "@DefaultStringValue"
annotation is missing on my methods defined in the constants
interface. Why am I forced to put this annotation on every method?
For me this just results in text duplication: Copy the value from my
default properties file to the java class which is just stupid.
In my module.xml I have defined a fallback value for the locale as
follows: <set-property-fallback name="locale" value="de"/> and there
is a corresponding properties file for this locale. So there is
absolutely no need for the @DefaultStringValue annotation in my case.

Does anyone know how to turn off this check or explain to me where I
am wrong?

thanks a lot,


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