You know that cows (and deer too) chew their cud. Cows have a
secondary stomach, so it could store whatever grass it has chewed off
the field in the 2ndary stomach. Then it could regurgitate the stored
cud and chew on it afterwards.

Your question is akin to saying that you read an article that says
that the delivery of food (cows like alfalfa, I'm told) to cows is not
efficient when there are more than a million cows in a dairy farm, the
reason being cows chew their cud.

What has cows chewing their cud got to do with the efficiency of
delivery of food to cows. It is the fault of the delivery system and
has nothing to do with whether a cow chews its cud. The efficiency of
delivery is the same whether there are a million cows or a million

Obviously, the article you read is erroneous and/or its author has a
huge grudge against Google.

Likewise, GWT allowing a browser to chew on its cud  does not dictate
the efficiency of the data delivery system.

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