I have unsuccessfully tried 3 different ways to set the vertical
alignment of a cell in a horizontal panel. I want the image and the
label to have the same vertical alignment. Currently, the image lies
lower than the label. Here is what I have tried:

public class AlertComponent extends HorizontalPanel {

        public AlertComponent(int occurrenceOfGroupData, int
occurrenceOfGroupTask, int occurrenceOfGroupGlobal) {

                Image imageGroupData = new Image();
                final SimplePanel starGroupData = new SimplePanel();
                Label dataAlertLabel = new Label();

I have also tried to vertically align the label in the SimplePanel:

                Image imageGroupData = new Image();
                final SimplePanel starGroupData = new SimplePanel();
                Label dataAlertLabel = new Label();

Lastly, I have also tried to set the style of a column:

public class AlertComponent extends HorizontalPanel {

        public AlertComponent(int occurrenceOfGroupData, int
occurrenceOfGroupTask, int occurrenceOfGroupGlobal) {

This will set the style of the table row and if I try to go one child
further by saying
this.getTable().getLastChild().getLastChild().getLastChild() I get a
Javascript error.

Does anyone know how I can get the label and the image to have the
same vertical alignment in a horizontal panel?

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