On 7 juil, 17:25, Pavel Lahoda <plah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Congrats to the new M2 of 2.1 release of the GWT framework.
> Is there any chance that we'll see some progress in the area of making
> GWT Java API subset more complete to the original libraries ?
> To be specific : is there any chance, that Reflection API gets
> implemented ? There are some projects that do just that, so it is
> proof it can be done, just none of them is complete (I haven't seen a
> project that would allow reflection of annotations in the runtime)
> plus it would be great if such a standard feature of the language
> makes it into standard distribution. Please, make this happen. Thanks.

Might I ask why you'd need it? (given that every single class is known
at compile-time, why couldn't you use some generator to do the hard-
work? of it'd probably mean organizing your code differently, but
allowing any kind of reflection at runtime would mean that the GWT
compiler don't prune any field or method from any class, which is
precisely what it does best!)

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