On Sep 3, 2:33 am, Riley <rileyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Naturally, though I'd been looking for these answers for an hour
> before I posted here, I discovered that if I used the google plugin to
> create a new HTML page, it automatically configured whatever it needs
> to configure to support two separate HTML pages with different modules
> & different entry points.  It seems to be working.
> My only remaining question, then, is whether I'm right about how the
> compiler works.  To rephrase:
> I have two modules, side by side in the same directory.  They both
> have the "client" and "shared" directories as source.  If module B
> hardly references any of the code in these folders, will the final
> module B compiled JS omit the unused code?

Yes (just like it won't output code for, say, TabLayoutPanel, if you
don't use it, but still use other widgets in the same package).

I would however, for clearer/cleaner separation, make a "Shared"
module and have A and B both inherit Shared, and put A's EntryPoint
(and some or all other A-specific code) in a separate package from B's
EntryPoint (which would live in a separator package than the Shared

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