Hi, you can invoke it e.g. with the following script:

  <target name="gwtc" depends="libs" description="GWT compile to
    <java failonerror="true" fork="true"
        <pathelement location="src"/>
        <!-- this is gwt-dev.jar gwt-user.jar all JARs you have
yourself -->
        <path refid="project.class.path"/>
      <!-- add jvmarg -Xss16M or similar if you see a
StackOverflowError -->
      <jvmarg value="-Xmx256M"/>
      <!-- Additional arguments like -style PRETTY or -logLevel DEBUG
      <arg value="org.whatever.<<<<yourapphere>>>>"/>

Basically, the GWT compiler is just a java program you can invoke via
the java command...

Hope this helps - best regards
     Sebastian Rothbucher

On 4 Okt., 12:13, "3p1...@googlemail.com" <3p1...@googlemail.com>
> Hi everyone
> How can i call the gwt Javascript compiler from an Ant build script?
> I am using eclipse 3.5 with GWT plugin 2.0
> best regards

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