I've made my own version of an ImageCell so that I can include the
title information (ie tooltip) with images in my CellTable.  However,
I can't get my images to load when passing in multiple arguments to
the SafeHtmlBuilder.  I've checked the urls, and the one I'm passing
in is the same as the one loaded successfully elsewhere on the page
(inside a normal ImageCell), but the images inside my class won't
load.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could clue me in what's
going on.

Relevant code bits:

interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
                @Template("<img src=\"{0}\" title=\"{1}\" alt=\"{2}\" />")
                SafeHtml img(String url, String title, String altText);

        public void render(ImageProperties value, Object key, SafeHtmlBuilder
sb) {
                if (value != null) {
                        // The template will sanitize the URI.
                        sb.append(template.img(value.getUrl(), value.getTitle(),

public ImageProperties(String url, String title, String altText) {
ImageProperties properties = new
"Unknown", "");

Thanks in advance,

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