
The way I do it (and this may not be the best way) is to use RPC to
send the user requests to the server. Then, I store the request data
in a table on the server, generating a unique id for that data. The
unique id is returned to the user via the RPC callback. Then, a new
window is opened with the url set to the servlet address and the
unique id as the token in the url. In the servlet, I use that token to
look up the request data, build the PDF, delete the request data, and
return the PDF. This method allows me to send as much data as I want
via RPC and then I only need to send a single parameter with the url
to the servlet.

Chad Bourque

On Nov 30, 3:52 pm, Sean <> wrote:
> Hi, I apologize in advance, I am extremely new to HttpServelet and
> RequestBuilders, so if this is a dumb question, I apologize. I
> typically just work with RPC's, but I don't think this will work in
> this case.
> I have the user select a bunch of options from the website, then I hit
> publish, and it sends the data to the server (using serializable
> objects, not Strings) and on the server a PDF is generated, and I want
> to return the PDF. I can send the objects, make the PDF, but I can't
> return it using RPC's.
> After googling a bunch, it seems I should be using a RequestBuilder
> with an HttpServlet on the Server side. However, it seems you really
> can't send much data with the request, just a single string. Am I
> supposed to encode all the data into one string and then decode it on
> the other side? That seems like a huge hassle, one I will have to re-
> do for every Servlet, compared to RPC's.
> For example, I am sending a bunch of SoftballGame objects. Each with
> their home team, away Team, time and which team is selected to win. I
> don't want to have to encode the team names, as well as the time and
> selection into a string, and then do that for all the games.
> What's the proper way to attack this?

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