I think I have solved my date/time issues by forcing a locale, but I
would welcome suggestions for a better solution.

In my module XML, I added the following line to include some
internationalization code:

   <inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N"/>

I added the following line to my module XML for my locale:

   <extend-property name="locale" values="en_US"/>

Including the locale extend-property increases the GWT compile time,
since the compile does each browser/locale combination. This was the
most undesireable piece of my solution since it basically doubled my
GWT compile times. I tried to set the default locale using another bit
of XML found at 
but I could not even get the GWT compile to work when including that

The last required piece was adding the following line in my HTML file:

   <meta name='gwt:property' content='locale=en_US'>

This gives it a default locale, but I believe that it can be
overridden with request parameters.

I did test this on a couple projects, and it worked for both. However,
I did not test with different locales. It seems that a new GWT 2.1
project has the same issues, so this is not just a GWT 2.0 conversion
problem -- I tested by adding a DateBox to a new GWT default project.


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