On Dec 7, 11:32 pm, Geoffrey Wiseman <geoffrey.wise...@gmail.com>
> Unfortunately, I have no idea how it gets in that state, since I'm
> unable to reproduce it in a simple GWT Test Case, nor find a hole in
> the GWT code that clearly identifies how a null could get in there.
> setText() seems well-protected and setValue() clearly invokes
> setText().
> I don't have the more recent stack trace copied down at the moment,
> but I may try and regress our codebase to the point at which either
> one of these errors was evident so that I can try and reproduce it.
> I'm very curious now, much more so than when I thought it was just a
> simple bug that we had a workaround for.

Ok, so I feel better.  It's essentially our bug (although you could
argue that it's a bug in the subclassability of TextBox, perhaps).

Essentially, we have a subclass of TextBox that we use for displaying
guide text when the text box is empty.  If the guide text is applied
and getText() is called, it returns null rather than "".  It seems
like changing that to "" would be sufficient to make the bug go away
and probably won't introduce any weird side effects.

That said, it seems like either PassthroughParser should check for
null, or TextBox should be slightly more clear about the contract
expected for getText() for subclassors.  But that's pretty minor, and
I'll leave that to your judgement.  For now, I'm just happy to know
what the problem is and that it's not strictly a GWT bug.

Thanks for gently steering me in the right direction.

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