Hi zix,

Thanks for your quick reply.

As you mentioned I have added my 2 disclosure panels in a DockLayout
panel.But still I am seeing the spacing problem between the
panels.What I am expecting is that whenevr I close the first
disclosure panel then the second panel should occupy the remaining
space.Am I missing any width  setting here.

DisclosurePanel disPanel1 = new DisclosurePanel("Requests");
DisclosurePanel disPanel2 = new DisclosurePanel("Inbox");

DockLayoutPanel dockPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX);
                 dockPanel.addNorth(disPanel1 ,150);
                 dockPanel.add(disPanel2 );

DockLayoutPanel mainPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX);
                 mainPanel .addNorth(Menu ,150);
                 mainPanel .add(dockPanel );


On Dec 21, 1:24 pm, zixzigma <zixzi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> use DockLayoutPanel,
> and use your other panels within regions of DockLayoutPanel.
> DockLayoutPanel, can have multiple north region, multiple west,
> multiple east,
> you can have DockLayoutPanels within DockLayoutPanels.
> avoid using Vertical/Horizontal Panel, in favor of DockLayoutPanel/
> FlowPanel/SimplePanel.
> Vertical/Horizontal panels uses HTMl "table" underneath, wich many CSS
> designers hate.
> those other panels I mentioned, produce simple "divs"
> an example of how to use DockLayoutPanel in the fashion I described
> can be found in GWT Mail Example:
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/sampl...

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