I realized there is no GWT/UiBinder equivalent for html list  <ul> <li>

how can I improve my UiBinder as you can see below 
             <li> item #1 </li>
             <li> item#2 </li>
             <li> item#3 </li>

I am worried that this might not be the correct way of doing things in GWT 
and that I cannot acces UL and LI elements in Java code. for example to 
programmatically add items to the list.

also, I wanted to make an image hyperlink, like an icon that when you click 
you go to a place.

at the moment I am using this:
<a href="#home/settings">Settings <g:Image resource="{res.homeIcon}" /></a>

I feel that what I am doing are just workarounds and believe there are 
better ways of doing these.

I would be very grateful if you can provide some suggestion.

Thank You

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