On 01/30/2011 05:42 PM, tachoknight wrote:
> Hi all-
> I am writing a site that generates an HTML-based report that uses some
> pretty complex table formatting (think of it as a web page equivalent
> of the phone book). This is not a big site, and the result page is not
> interactive; it's a static report.
> I've mocked up the result page in an HTML page with CSS and the
> formatting is fine for all browsers, but now I'm at something of an
> impasse in how to implement it. In a JSP world I'd just be populating
> the jsp file on the server and displaying the results in the browser.
> As it is, I'm using GWT (obviously... :) ) and I'm at a loss as to how
> to "properly" do this.
> I looked into the UIBinder class, which would give me the HTML
> template, but that means that the result set would have to be
> transmitted to the client and all the work done in the browser. I
> could use something like FreeMarker to format the results on the
> server, and then send back the generated HTML, which is the method I'm
> leaning towards, but that too seems sub-optimal.
> Any assistance on the "right thing" would be appreciated.

Have you considered XML + style sheets? Unless you're targeting older
browsers, or need external links.

If you must have HTML, then create a page UiBinder. Wrap an HTMLPanel in
a ScrollPanel. Inject the HTML into the HTMLPanel in the response handler.

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