
I am back with new infos.
I have succeeded in define the testBeginTimeout using "sysproperty" tag 
intead of "jvm" attribute, like this :

<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" fork="yes" >
            <sysproperty key="gwt.args" value="-testBeginTimeout 5 
-testMethodTimeout 2 -runStyle HtmlUnit"/>

But the error is the same, with a different timeout (300 instead of 60)

    [junit]  - 1 client(s) haven't responded back to JUnitShell since the 
of the test.
    [junit]  Actual time elapsed: 300.148 seconds.
    [junit] Try increasing this timeout using the '-testBeginTimeout 
minutes' op
    [junit] The default value of minutes is 1, i.e., the server waits 1 
minute o
r 60 seconds.
    [junit] )

My all suite take only one minute in eclipse, so it is very strange.

Francois Wauquier

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