Today we're one step closer to shipping the Google Plugin for Eclipse and
   GWT SDK 2.2. The first release candidates of both of these products are
   ready for use, and can be installed and/or download via the links below.

   Google Plugin for Eclipse 2.2 RC1 (including the GWT SDK)
   Eclipse 3.6

   Eclipse 3.5

   Eclipse 3.4

   GWT SDK 2.2 RC1 (standalone)

   This release includes fixes and updates for the following items:
   - Fixed bad date formats in Swedish and others
      - Added initial version of HTML5 Audio and Video support
      - Added JRE 1.5 deprecation warning (see note below)
      - Fixed bad gwt-servlet dep in samples/expenses/pom.xml, per
      - Fixed Javadoc:
      - Fixed DynaTableRf paging infinite loop
      - Fixed CellBrowser hard to focus in IE
      - Bumped pom.xml version, and fix NPE in samples/expenses
      - Improved canvas for browsers (and permutations) with partial canvas
      - Updated DTRF to show the use of ServiceLocators and Locators
      - Fixed Showcase locales

   GPE 2.2 RC1
   - Fixed "Widget is disposed" errors that occur when editing Launch
      - Fixed NullPointerException that occurs when deleting a launch
      configuration that has been launched

   Version 2.2 will only have deprecated support for Java 1.5, resulting in
   warnings when building applications. While Java 1.5 will still work for at
   least the next release of GWT, developers should upgrade their version of
   Java to correct these warnings and ensure compatibility with future versions
   of GWT.

   -- Chris, on behalf of the GWT, App Engine, and Google Plugin teams

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