I just starting to use gwt designer, and I having a few problems:

   1. I cannot find a way to include an external css file that my app uses
   into the uibinder editor, so I see only the inner styles of my uibinder.
   2. Is the inner UiBinder class really required? Guit uses uibinder's
   .ui.xml files, but generates all the intermediate required classes, so the
   .java file doesn't have an inner UiBinder class, cause it gets generated by
   the framework. When I add the inner class with current guit presenters they
   work, but I'll really like to avoid them.

Aside from that, It is really nice to have a wysiwyg editor for uibinder
files, very time saver.
Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.


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