Oh, I forgot to say that I believe none of these things, including any
ability the compiler might have to only compile changed modules, will
help speed up the Java rebuild times when in Dev mode. Dev mode, I
believe, is already doing the best it can, by only compiling the Java
classes that have changed and relinking them. It already does the
least amount of work, AFAIK.

So I don't think those 20 second refresh times are gonna improve
without faster hardware.

There might be ways of writing code better suited to GWT compiling,
but I'm not familiar with any techniques like that. Though I imagine
the more complex and highly maintainable code you write the harder it
is to compile. Maybe sometimes it's worth it to keep things simpler...
but maybe not :P

Sorry I can't help any more

On Feb 16, 10:33 am, Christofer Jennings <boz.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does breaking a project up into multiple modules have any affect on compile 
> time?
> I'm on a project with about 5 minute compile times. Our hardware needs to be 
> updated, but I'm looking for other ways to improve the build time.
> Refresh times are better when in DevMode, but even waiting 20 seconds can 
> really open the door for distraction and hit productivity. And since it 
> happens many many times a day, I'm hoping I can improve that as well. Would 
> breaking the project up into modules help DevMode refresh more quickly?
> thanks!
> ,boz

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