
I think GWT needs to add some gradient washes to the background of
buttons, tabs and other areas with solid colours.

- menus
  - the highlighted menu colours are almost the same as the gradient
wash that spans the entire menu bar. The highlighted colour should
really be different.
  - the highlighted sub menu text need some padding. It looks wrong
that the highlighted background is almost the same dimensions as the
text "above" it.
- suggestbox
  - the rounded corner suggestions below the text box seem wrong. I
dont think ive seen a suggest box or similar w/ rounded boxes.
  - the drop down list should imho be the same width as the text box.
it looks wrong that the suggestions are different widths (dependent on
the width of the "suggestion word").
- listbox
  - the listboxes seem to be missing right and bottom borders ( in
- Cell sampler -
  - buttons in the individual cells look "different" from the control
buttons outside the table (redraw and commit changes).
  - redraw and commit change buttons need some padding.
- table rows look a little plain - alternating colours needa 2.5 look
with at the very least a simple blend near the top and bottom edges of
the highlighted row.

On Feb 23, 4:25 am, Greg Dougherty <> wrote:
> Overall UI principle:
> Good UI is "unconscious" UI.  If the user has to stop and think about
> something ("is A really different from B?"), then the UI has failed.
> A quick glance should, immediately and without any conscious thought,
> tell the user essentially everything about the interface.  "This is
> disabled, that is not."  "This is the foreground object, these are
> background objects, and that is the overall background."  Three very
> differnt things, which therefore should always LOOK very different.
> Sometimes you do a good job of this (check boxes, radio buttons),
> other times you do a very poor job (basic button, Tab Layout Panel).
> And remember: "big targets are good (and fast) targets.  Small targets
> are bad (and slow) targets."
> "Lighting":
> Your text boxes have the top bar of the box black, and the other three
> gray.  it looks wrong to my eyes,  If you're trying for a 3D effect, I
> can't see it.  Depth takes more than one pixel / line.  I'm perfectly
> happy with 2D UI objects (which would mean all for lines being the
> same color).  I'm willing to live w/ 3D.  Right now, you have a "2.5D"
> look that just doesn't work.  I urge you to pick one look, and stick
> to it.
> 1: Basic Button:
> It's very hard to tell the disabled and enabled buttons apart.  I
> suggest either changing the background more when it's disabled, or
> bolding the text when it's enabled.  (Compare with Custom Button,
> where it's quick and easy to tell if it's enabled or not.)
> 2: Hyperlinks:
> Is there a difference between "followed" and "never visited"
> Hyperlinks?  Because if there is, I can't see it.  If there isn't, and
> it's possible to add it, I think it should be added.
> 3: ListBox:
> It would be good to have enough entries for one of the selections so
> we can see what it looks like when the Box has to scroll its data.
> 5: Tree
> A: While the +/- works, I certainly prefer the triangle that turns to
> the side or down based on the disclosure state.
> B: The disclosure box is a rather small target to hit (I missed it
> several times).  It would be nice to make it bigger, and / or make it
> so double-clicking on the text of the line opens / closes the
> disclosure.
> 6: Menu Bar:
> It's nice, but it COMPLETELY clashes with the menu bar on my web
> browser (Sea Monkey on Windows XP).
> I know you're trying to develop your own theme, but the apps created
> with this theme have to live inside web browsers.  Violently clashing
> with the surrounding UI is inherently bad UI, no matter how pretty the
> UI might be in isolation.
> 7: Disclosure Panel:
> When I click on the Disclosure Panel, the text of the title gets
> surrounded by a gray box.  This looks OK when it closes, but looks
> really ugly when it opens.
> 8: Tab Layout Panel:
> Put me in the "hate it" column.  Dark Blue on Slightly Less Dark Blue
> is IMO a really bad color combination (and I say this as someone who
> really likes blue).  The unselected Tabs are different from the
> background.  Therefore, they need to have a different, easily
> distinguishable, color than the background.
> 9: Cell Browser
> It's "Browse through dynamic data", NOT "BrowseR through dynamic
> data" :-)
> Other than that it's fairly good.  But I didn't notice anything that
> caused me to think "hey, that's great, i want that!"
> Greg
> On Feb 16, 12:12 pm, John LaBanca <> wrote:
> > The GWT team is happy to (pre)announce that we will introduce a new, more
> > modern CSS style theme in GWT 2.3 called "Clean".  The new theme makes
> > existing widgets look cleaner (more business-like) than the "standard"
> > theme, and replaces the thick light blue borders with thin gray borders.  We
> > worked under the constraint that we would not modify the DOM structure of
> > the existing widgets because we didn't want to break existing apps, so this
> > new theme is purely a CSS overhaul.
> > You can preview the new Clean style theme at the link 
> > below:
> > Please let us know what you like and dislike about the new theme, and if you
> > are interested in switching your app to it.  Once we release the theme, it
> > becomes very difficult to change it without affecting existing apps, so
> > early feedback is helpful.
> > Thanks,
> > John LaBanca
> >

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