Ok, I got something working using the example you provided, but I
don't like how I implemented it. It wasn't hard, but everything I've
wanted to do in GWT so far has been easy, so this seems kind of

But, I guess trying to implement sorting using a ListSortHandler would
have been just as messy since I would have had to setComparator for
every column still right?

Also, this is probably a stupid Java error, but I'm trying to re-use
my SortHandler so I broke it into it's own class. In each composite
I've got a list of what is displayed in the tables, call it BOOKS.
What I've been trying to do is instantiate the SortHandler:

new MySortHandler (BOOKS, myCellTable, columnA, columnB, columnC,

And in class I've got something like
public class MySortHandler {
    private List<Book> thisList;

    public MySortHandler(List<Book> BOOKS, CellTable myCellTable,
Column columnA, .... you get the picture) {
         thisList = BOOKS;

Down below I sort thisList, and at the end, I assign it back to BOOKS
and do cellTable.setRowData(BOOKS);

When I go to sort though, nothing happens. I think I narrowed it down
to understand for some reason the list isn't getting copied over or
something like that? If I have MySortHandler as an internal private
class to my composite and I use the original List BOOKS, it sorts, but
when I try to do like I was doing above, it doesn't work.

Can anyone explain why, and give me an idea of how to fix it. I'll be
alright without code, just don't even know how to get around this. I'd
hate to have to stick an internal SortHandler at the end of each

On Feb 14, 12:19 pm, Josh K <kendrick.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I was getting confused about doing it this way though is if I'm
> allowing the data to be sorted by 4 or 5 different columns, would I
> have to say something like:
> if (event.isSortAscending && nameColumn) {
>     Collections.sort(newData, nameAscComparator)} else if (nameColumn) {
>     Collections.sort(newData, nameDescComparator)} else if 
> (event.isSortAscending && timeRequestedColumn) {
>     Collections.sort(newData, timeRequestedAscComparator)
> } ....
> ya know where I have to have a different asc and desc comparator for
> each column and figure out which column was selected before I sort?
> I'm thinking that I'll have a small enough set of rows (probably max
> 100 rows at a time), that if I just make the columns sortable, it will
> be fine if I don't use paging. So maybe I should do what Greg
> mentioned and download all the data and use a ListDataProvider. What I
> liked about the AsyncDataProvider though is that people can change the
> value of a cell and hit enter and it's updated in the database because
> this will be an application a couple are using at one time all dealing
> with the same data so I need changes to show up on what other people
> are seeing.
> BTW, thanks a lot guys!
> On Feb 14, 10:00 am, John LaBanca <jlaba...@google.com> wrote:
> > If you are supporting paging, then a local sort will only sort the current
> > page, whereas a database sort would sort the data return the results for the
> > current page.  For example, if you are on the first page and do a reverse
> > sort, do you want to see all the names that start with z (database sort), or
> > do you want to see all of the names that start with a in reverse order
> > (local sort of the current page).
> > That being said, you can cache the values locally in a list and use
> > ListSortHandler.  Alternatively, you can add a ColumnSortEvent.Handler to
> > CellTable and copy and sort the return of CellTable#getVisibleItems().  The
> > code would be something like the following:
> > cellTable.addColumnSortHandler(new ColumnSortEvent.Handler() {
> >   public void onColumnSort(ColumnSortEvent event) {
> >     List<T> newData = new ArrayList(cellTable.getVisibleItems()); // Copy
> > the data
> >     if (event.isSortAscending) {
> >       Collections.sort(newData, myAscComparator); // Sort ascending.
> >     } else {
> >       Collections.sort(newData, myDescComparator); // Sort descending.
> >     }
> >     cellTable.setRowData(cellTable.getVisibleRange(), newData);
> >   }
> > });
> > Thanks,
> > John LaBanca
> > jlaba...@google.com
> > On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Josh K <kendrick.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I've been developing an application in GWT that has data I've been
> > > displaying in a CellTable. I've set it up with a few TextColumns and a
> > > few EditTextColumns. I've got it set up to where if someone changes
> > > the data in an EditText cell, it sends an asynchronous request to the
> > > database and updates that row in the DB table. In short, I've got all
> > > this working using AsyncCallbacks and an AsyncDataProvider.
> > > Since 2.2 came out, I want to implement column sorting, kind of like
> > > is seen in this example:
> > >http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwCellTable
> > > , but with an AsyncDataProvider. I want to sort the columns locally
> > > because I think it'd be faster than making an Async DB call again each
> > > time someone clicks to sort (which is the impression of what was
> > > supposed to happen if I used an AsyncHandler.
> > > So I THINK what I'm looking for is some way to use a ListHandler with
> > > an AsyncDataProvider?
> > > Can anyone shed some light on this? Maybe done it before or know the
> > > direction I'm supposed to? If it's even do-able?
> > > --
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