For a long time in our application, we've had issues running hosted
mode.  Sometimes hosted mode works, sometimes it doesn't.  We've
pretty much lived with this for months.

For instance:
1) Launch dev mode
2) Copy to Clipboard
3) Paste URL in firefox and hit enter (WORKS!)
4) Copy to Clipboard
5) Paste URL in firefox (FAILS - Status code exception)

It has nothing to do with changing source code.  We can change one
line of non-serializable code and it may take us 10 attempts for dev
mode to work.  The issue seems to be the dev mode RPC file doesn't
match the RPC file generated from a full GWT build - but it happens

For example, here's a small portion of our GWT compile RPC file in
tomcat.  The actual RPC file is quite large: 2306 lines.
[Lcom.blah.domain.shared.SomeClass;, true, true, true, true,
[Lcom.blah.domain.shared.SomeClass;/4101108957, 4101108957

When I launch dev mode, it generates a new RPC file.  If I diff this
file with the RPC file in tomcat, only one line is different (true's
flipped to false):
[Lcom.blah.domain.shared.SomeClass;, true, true, false, false,
[Lcom.blah.domain.shared.SomeClass;/4101108957, 4101108957

If I launch dev mode again with NO CHANGES to the source code, 1 or 2
DIFFERENT lines may be differ from the original RPC file built in
tomcat.  Note: The difference is randomly in either the first two
booleans or the last two booleans.

If I launch a third time, perhaps the files will be identical (same
file name, same contents) and dev mode will work fine.  I have no idea
how to troubleshoot this.  I digged into the GWT source code,
specifically ProxyCreator.  But I don't figure out why we would see
random behavior.

Any idea how I might go about fixing this?

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