On 1 March 2011 02:27, Graham Haroldson <gharold...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Again,  im not quite sure what im trying to send emails from,  i can
> probably use my email, which is a gmail account.  I tried that and i also
> tried adding my account and password to the properties but it still does
> nothing

Get it working as a normal Java application so you're sure you have
all your settings correct. Then move it into your GWT code.

Note that while it's possible to do this from the client, I don't
think it's a good idea to put your credentials in your client code
(you're basically telling anyone who uses your app what your password
is). So create some sort of message that you can send from the client
to the server and let the server handle sending the actual email. Then
you don't have to add all the JavaMail related JARs to your client

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