
I am using the latest Eclipse (64bit) on Window XP 64-bit with JDK
1.6.0_13 64-bit. I can compile and deploy (with maven) just fine.
Looking into installation details, I am using the latest GWT 2.2
Eclipse plugin. It shows as version 2.2.0.v201102111811.

I can compile and deploy the app just fine. Everything works. However,
if I try to start up the debugger, it gets to "Module xxxx has been
loaded" and then shows "uncaught exception escaped" message.

When I click on it, it give me a very long stack trace with the top
one being com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException: One or more
exception caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCauses.

The caused by is "Deferred binding failed for "xxx.xx.xx.view.Mainview
$MainLayoutViewUiBinder' (did you forget to inherit a required

When I trace it down, this happens when the code calls:
Mainview view = new Mainview();

Please NOTE that everything was working just fine before I upgrade to
GWT 2.2, including the debugging. Now, I can compile and run on
command line, but I can't get it to work inside Eclipse.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!


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