The code below fails to validate the InstanceRequests defined  - here's the 
exception - I have been staring at it for a couple of hours now but failed 
to find the problem.

*Mar 7, 2011 9:19:48 AM 
xxx.shared.request.ApplicationRequestFactory.ContactsService persist()*
*SEVERE: Could not find matching method in 
*Possible matches:*
*  java.lang.String persist( )*
*Mar 7, 2011 9:19:48 AM 
xxx.deferredgmail.shared.request.ApplicationRequestFactory.ContactsService remove()*
*SEVERE: Could not find matching method in 
*Possible matches:*
*  void remove( )*

**@ProxyForName*(value = "", 
locator = "xxx.deferredgmail.server.request.ContactsServiceImpl")
public interface *ContactEntryProxy* extends *EntityProxy* {
List<EmailProxy> getEmailAddresses();
NameProxy getName();
NicknameProxy getNickname();
public interface *ContactsService* extends *RequestContext* {
 Request<List<ContactEntryProxy>> getContacts(int offset, int pageLength);
 InstanceRequest<ContactEntryProxy, String> persist();
 InstanceRequest<ContactEntryProxy, Void> remove();
public class *ContactsServiceImpl* extends *Locator<ContactEntry, String>* {
public String *persist*(ContactEntry contactEntry) {
String ret = null;
                (implementation details....)
return ret;
public void *remove*(ContactEntry contactEntry) {
              (implementation details)
public ContactEntry *find*(Class<? extends ContactEntry> clazz, String id) {
                (implementation details....)
public Class<ContactEntry> *getDomainType*() {
                (implementation details....) 
public String *getId*(ContactEntry contactEntry) {
                (implementation details....)
public Class<String> *getIdType*() {
                (implementation details....)
public Long *getVersion*(ContactEntry contactEntry) {
                (implementation details....)
public static List<ContactEntry> *getContacts*(int startIndex, int 
maxResults) throws OAuthException, IOException,
                (implementation details....)

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