
To clarify your problem:
-== Problem A ==-
You have a URL which is a mix of HTML and JavaScript
You need to load the page, and someone get values or data out of the
executed javascript.

-== Problem B ==-
You have a URL which is JUST javascript
(i) that has to be executed (creates some data in javascript memory)
and you want the results
(ii) is just a data structure (like a javascript associative array)

If it is (A) You are needing some software that will emulate a
browser, running on the server. Effectively, you need a "headless"
browser that can run in Java
- that can be given a URL, that you can programmatically interrogate
it's DOM (Document Object model) once it has loaded the URL.

If it is (B)(i) you can just use apache commons httpclient to
"download" the executable javascript and you can use Rhino to execute

If it is (B)(ii) you can use apache commons httpclient to "download"
the javascript data and use the JSON library to interpret the data
into a Java Structure (or just send it straight to GWT if it is happy
as is).

(A) options:    1.  HTMLUnit
                     2.  http://www.envjs.com/+Rhino (Interesting!! -
certainly doable but complex)

(B)(i)  httpclient - Rhino - JSON
(B)(ii) httpclient - JSON.


On Mar 15, 1:55 am, fred at large <scbw.webmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks,which way to jump was hindering me, so Rhino, as a java code, should
> be able to package it into gwt server environment (I think - still
> learning!!)
> I kinda suspected google may already have something implemented, as in there
> are app scripts in spreadsheets, and sites. But those are not appearing
> to be the full thing like ability to pull in javascript and executing it
> like a browser can........only have a defined api available.

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