
we are currently using CssResource together with a ClientBundle to
style our ui.xml classes. It works really nice and everything is fine.

There is only one thing that our designers would love to have:
One interface that maps to many css files.

Our designers organize their stuff in more than one css file. However
for the sake of simplicity they like to have one accessor in gwt.xml

For instance:
<ui:with field='css' type='my.package.MyResourceBundle' />

contains methods annotated with different .css files.
public FirstResource first();

public SecondCssResource second();

I could therefore say:
<g:SimplePanel ui:field='informationArea' styleName="{css.first.gridSide}">
<g:SimplePanel ui:field='talkArea' styleName="{css.second.talkingGrid}">

Works like a charm.

However, our designers would love to use:
css.gridSide and css.talingGrid directly. Without the need to "know"
the css file where stuff is coming from.

Is there a simple way to do this? All my efforts using @Shared,
combining Interfaces and such did not work.

Many thanks in advance!



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