
I have a strange problem and maybe someone here can give me a hint whats 
going on. Basically I have a custom composite that acts as a list. This list 
composite wraps a ScrollPanel which contains a AbsolutePanel that contains 
the list items positioned according to their height. The ScrollPanel has a 
ScrollHandler attached and everytime scrolling is detected the list will 
compute which list items are visible and only shows these. So its designed 
for a large dataset to speed things up by displaying only a small subset of 
the dataset (it was designed before CellList was available).

A list item is a simple div like:

<div class="GPHOOYDBNQ" title="title-of-that-list-item" listmodelidx="64" 
style="overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; cursor: pointer; width: 100%; 
height: 21px; line-height: 21px; right: 0px; position: absolute; left: 0px; 
top: 1344px; ">String representation of list model item 64</div>

So I have some of these divs in my absolute panel which is in a ScrollPanel. 
Now when I move my mouse pointer over a list items text and try to scroll 
with the mouses scroll wheel nothing will happen. If I move the mouse 
pointer inside the list item out of the text into an empty area (list is 
wider than the list items text and div will use the full width of the list), 
scrolling will be done.

What might be the reason the browser thinks that he can not scroll or do not 
have to scroll the contents of ScrollPanel when my mouse is over a list 
items text but does scroll when its in an empty area inside the list/list 
item? I do not have any clue. It seems to happen in WebKit based browsers 
like Safari and Chrome. Firefox, Opera and IE are working fine.

Any Suggestions?


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