I'm trying to learn and work with the gwt-earth project.. started with
the sort of hello earth program available at:

While the GEPlugin concept is fairly tricky - there is a GEWrapper
class that encapsulates a GEPlugin class, which in turn talks to a
class with native communication to the GEPlugin (GEPluginNative). In
that latter class i find native methods like:

        public static native JavaScriptObject getFeatures(JavaScriptObject
        return ge.getFeatures();

and i'm trying to add a new one that sets up zoom controllers (etc),
but can't seem to make it work. I've tried adding this:

        public static native void setControlsVisible(JavaScriptObject ge)/*-{

and then call it via GEPlugin class:

        public void setControlsVisible()

but i end up with a runtime JS error ("this.d.b is null")..

Is it possible to add controls to the gwt-earth example program? what
am i missing?

Thanks for insight.

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