1) My legacy application is setup like this:

There are 20 classes in the model package, but I only want to
serialize and use 4 for RPC. The others have heavy code in them that
error out upon compilation.

2) There are references to apache log4j that the GWT cannot find
source for:
 No source code is available for type org.apache.log4j.Logger; did you
forget to inherit a required module?

This is the same for java.util.Calendar, org.junit.Assert, etc.

I have tried using the extend-configuration-property "rpc.blacklist"
<extend-configuration-property name="rpc.blacklist" value="-
But this seems to do nothing at compile time.

I have also tried to use the blacklist to exclude everything in the
model package except the classes I need, but the other classes still
error out.

Is there anyway to tell GWT to only compile certain classes, and
ignore others?

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