We are re-writing our ERP system using Java/GWT/Spring.It is something
big. We would like to get some suggestion regarding the tree setup.

1. Application.gwt.xml

We have above 70 modules today. But all of it's having only one entry
point and is Application.gwt.xml.

But becuase of the same :

But each module seems we need to specify in main *.gwt.xml

<source path='ecommerce/arn/client' />
<source path='ecommerce/arn/shared' />
<source path='ecommerce/bol/client' />
<source path='ecommerce/bol/shared' />
<source path='ecommerce/bkg/client' />
<source path='ecommerce/bkg/shared' />

Instead of this, Is there any way to specify this source path using
file globs ?

for e.g:

ie,<source path='ecommerce/*/{shared,client}' />

or ie,

<source path='ecommerce/*/shared' />
<source path='ecommerce/*/client' />

2. This is regarding css file.
Since each time if there is a change in the file, we seems need to
compile and run using GWT.
This is fine for a development server and via eclipse.

But for a very simple change in production server, may be just a font
issue,seems the entire tree need to compile. So we moved the resources
filed outside the .war file.

ie in a folder say


and applied the styles directly in the GWT files. But this found there
is no 'GWT-Cache' for images. Is there any fix around for this? Means
images are loading now like a normal website, taking time. We tried
GWT image pre-load as well, but not a good idea to re-load all the
images at single shot as there are many.

What is the best approach here else?

Please suggest.

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