2011/8/4 Foermchen82 <juergen.f...@gmx.de>

> Hi,
> i actual do my first steps with GWT.
> Now I want to secure my web application. It is no problem, to build a
> login dialog with username and password.
> On several websites i have read, that I have to build a secure token
> ant store it in a cookie to track the validility of the session.
> For this, I have several questions:
> 1. What, if i can't use cookies. How can I remember, that the user is
> still logged in?

>> If you can't use cookies you can:
 1) Tell to the user enable cookies (as many web mail clients)
 2) Use a token.

> 2. If I refresh the page, the login dialog will be shown. How I can
> display the last state of the website?

>> You can use place/activities 
>> system<http://code.google.com/intl/es/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideMvpActivitiesAndPlaces.html>

> 3. If I close the browser an open it again, and if I store the token
> in a cookie, does the laste state of the session will be restored? I
> hope not! If I close the browser, the session should not be reusable

>> The site don't do magic. You can store same information in a cookie and
then restore using this information.

> 4. I have read, that cookies can possible be a security problem. How
> can I prevent this?

>> 1) Don't use cookies
     2) Tell me the problems and then I tell how solve.

> Can comebody help me?
> Thank you
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