Hi Alex,

That would be a start.

Does the tag in your post work?  The Javadoc at
shows upFace as a sub-node of the PushButton tag. If I'm reading the
UIBinder documentation correctly, upFace can only be an attribute of
the PushButton tag if the class has a method called setUpFace().

As a matter of fact this seems to be really a problem with UiBinder
and PushButton.  I've converted my button to @UiField(provided =
true), and I'm loading the images direct from URLs when I construct
the PushButton, and even then the button isn't rendered.

Thanks for the reply.


On Aug 16, 3:00 pm, Alex Dobjanschi <alex.dobjans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are you trying to do exactly? Setting the upFace of a PushButton?
> Then go with
> {{{
>    <g:PushButton ui:field="button"
>           upFace="{img.button}" />
> }}}
> (not sure highlight will work)

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