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On Aug 25, 2:18 pm, BM <> wrote:
> I have created a stand alone custom widget using GWT UIBinder with the
> help of GWT Designer.
> The two files which I have are :
> MultipleListBoxCustomWidget.ui.xml
> I use this widget is my GWT application which I use activites and
> places framework and all my views are created using UIBinders.
> I use this widget in one of my view with UIBinder tag referencing the
> package name of the directory as the name spaces.
> Question:
> How do I Unit testing my widget code as it is all self-contained. The
> functionality of the widget is show two list boxes on the screen with
> 4 buttons on the center. Each of these buttons are  ">", "<", ">>" and
> "<<" . This means I can move items from the list to another list
> depending on which buttons are clicked. I kept the code as self-
> contained and reusable so that I can pass any two different ArrayList
> to my widget as two separate methods calls inside the widget and those
> methods basically populates respective Listbox items inside the
> widget. I also gave getter methods to return the changed item
> arrangement of the ListBox items as ArrayList object as part of two
> separate method calls.
> Since the widget code is self-contained, my click handlers are inside
> this java file for example -
> @UiHandler("leftToRightButton")
> void onLeftToRightButtonClick(ClickEvent event) {.....}
> So testing is getting difficult. There is no controller because I
> can't have a self-contained widget with MVP activities and places
> inside to be used in another web applications which is designed using
> activities and places.
> Any advise?

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