I have been experiencing something strange with ReuqestFactory. Some

Helios Eclipse
GWT 2.3 / GAE 1.5.1
JDK 1.6

I have a Person with PersonProxy and PersonRequest. These use the
simple @ProxyFor(Person.class) and @Service(Person.class).

I started up Eclipse and before doing anything else ran the
application. It ran fine. I've been trying to get something working on
the server side so added a jar to the Refed libs and copied it to the

I get the meesage that PersonProxy and PersonRequest (they are in
us.k5rud.shared) cannot find Person (in us.k5rud.domain).These are
compile errors, not run-time errors.  That worked fine a minute ago.

I move Person to us.k5rud.shared. It works but I've been experiencing
this issue at other times so want to know why it occurs so try
us.k5rud.shared.domain.Person. Can't find when it runs or if I do a
compile. Move it back to just us.k5rud.shared. That doesn't work until
I do a compile.

I have done Project | clean on each of these. Also shut down the
running development mode instance and restarted a fresh version.

Sometimes the Proxy & Request classes cannot find the entity with the
auto build and I get errors then. Sometimes it doesn't show up until I
run the app. It is just very flaky so anyone have ideas?

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