Hello, Today I ran into some problems with a custom widget. I created
a new GWT project and made a small test widget to narrow down the
problem. Here is the test widget I wrote:

public class MyWidget extends Composite implements MouseOverHandler,
MouseOutHandler {
        private final HTML widget;

        public MyWidget() {
                widget = new HTML("<div>Hello</div>");
                widget.addDomHandler(this, MouseOverEvent.getType());
                widget.addDomHandler(this, MouseOutEvent.getType());

        public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
                widget.setHTML("<div>Mouse over</div>");

        public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
                widget.setHTML("<div>Bye mouse!</div>");

In firefox, this code works as expected. When I hover the cursor over
the div, the text changes to "Mouse over", when I remove the cursor
from the div, the text changes to "Bye mouse!".

In Chrome, only the onMouseOver handler is executed. To be perfectly
clear: When I hover the cursor over the div, the text changes to
"Mouse over", but when I remove the cursor from the div, the text does
Not change to "Bye mouse!".
If I comment out the addDomHandler for MouseOver, the MouseOut works.

I have also tried (as suggested on different forums) to only implement
the HasMouseOverHandlers and HasMouseOutHanders on my widget,
overriding the addMouse*Handler and using a separate class for
implementing the MouseOverHander/MouseOutHandler but I get the same
results here. Works perfectly in ff but only one handler works in

Am I doing anything wrong in the code above? Is there another way I
can write the code to get the it more cross-browser compliant?

Thank you!

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