I Also have an issue with Validation.jar file. 
I can't build my application with GWT 2.4. but I can build the same 
application with GWT 2.0. Here is list of software I use.
GWT 2.4
Spring 2.5.4
Hibernate 3.7
This is my 'workaround'. I remove the validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar from my 
eclipse plugin directory. 
Then I can build my application. I need better 'working' solution of it. 
Please refer to the error message attached below. Thanks for your help!
[WARN] Server class 'javax.validation.Validation' could not be found in the 
web app, but was found on the system classpath

[WARN] Adding classpath entry 
to the web app classpath for this session

For additional info see: 

[ INFO] 09/08/11 16:47:39 

Destroying singletons in 
defining beans 
root of factory hierarchy

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