I think you should use @external like so..

@external .bbcolor;
.bbcolor {
  backgound-color: red !important;

To start debugging this, you should inspect the table row (using
Chrome or firebug in Firefox) and see if it was given the bbcolor
class name.  Then you can find out if the problem is with the css or
the code.

On Sep 12, 6:30 am, Tony Kennah <tonyken...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've managed to make a CellTable use my own CSS rules by extending
> CellTable.Resources with my own resources which overrides
> cellTableStyle, simple.  I provide a link to my own CSS file within
> the extended Resources....  I can now construct a CellTable using this
> resource and it will render as I wish, the problem is I can't seem to
> use setRowStyles() on my CellTable or at least using setRowStyles()
> seems useless as no style seems to be getting set.
> Given my CellTable is using my CSS I use setRowStyles like this:
> table.setRowStyles(new RowStyles<Contact>() {
>     @Override
>     public String getStyleNames(Contact p, int rowIndex) {
>     {
>         return "bbcolor";
>     }
>     }
> });
> I am currently trying things out using a default
> WebAppplicationProject from within Eclipse and I'm setting the CSS
> rule .bbcolor like this (in my CSS file):
> @external .bbcolor {
>   backgound-color: red !important;
> }
> ...using @external as I'm getting errors about unobfuscated use of
> this bbcolor.  I'm also using the same CSS rule in the default CSS
> file for the template application (just in case but without the
> @external).
> Still no red background...  Could someone tell me why I'm not getting
> a red background on my table rows please?
> --------------------
> My CellTable is dynamic as in the rows move up and down depending on
> what the user does with some sliders so I want the background of the
> rows to be coloured so its easy to see them move up and down rather
> than having to keep your eye on a text element (which seems
> difficult).  If you want to see it in action you'll have to register
> and login (simple and free) here:  http://www.pluckier.co.uk
> Thanks again

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