Activities and Places are in first place to make navigation simple. I'll 
present 2 simple use cases:

*1. Navigate to other url on clicking a hyperlink. *

>> Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink("Navigate to Chemical", thePlaceToken);


Create a gwtanchor, and in the click handler, call

placeController.goTo(new ChemicalPlace(2105, "Chemical", 1 )); // this must 
change the url, stop the current activity, and start new activity(s) 
corresponding to ChemicalPlace.

How you construct the ChemicalPlace depends upon your design. 

If you refer to the post mentioned by Andrea, a AbstractBasePlace class is 
provided, assuming your ChemicalPlace extends AbstractBasePlace, you can 
construct your place using: 

placeController.goTo(new ChemicalPlace("id",2105,"tabName", "Chemical", 
"page","1" ));


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