OK this one is for GWT experts!!


I have a GWT app that has widgets. We are shipping 5 widgets out of the box.


The widgets also depend on our API which act as simple DAO pojos


Now when this gets outs to customers. They have a requirement where they 
want to create their own widgets (as GWT modules) and use them inside our 
GWT app. Of course, to make things complicated, we cannot give them the 
source of our app or the API.


Now I know a more prevalent solution here is to have a JSNI API of some 
sort to have the widget and our app talk to each other, document it and 
have it rest in peace.


But we are also looking around to see if there are alternatives.


For example, looking at this CompileModule class




Can this be used to "mickey mouse" our sources.


It looks like this compiler will / could compile a module into a XXXX.gwtar 
file and in theory that might all customers would need to compile there 
custom module.


Any thoughts? Are we on to something here or is it dead end.



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