Funny, thought I replied to this :-/

Anyway, fantasic work.
I did a quick implementation in my app and found the following:

Chrome - works flawlessly. At least data cut and paste from open
office is stripped clean nicely.
Firefox - as expected, workaround needed.
Opera - unfortuntely data isnt stripped :-/ (completely contradicting
what I read on their forums...must have been out of date).

The work around popup does have some issues for Richtext box
is already a popup and it appears under it. I guess this can  be fixed
with a basic zIndex.

Anyway, once again, great work, supprised its not getting more

On Nov 5, 4:53 pm, Brandon Donnelson <> wrote:
> Here is my latest rendition. I can't find a perfect solution due to mozilla
> clipboard data access. But I found a workaround using doubleclick on the
> RichTextArea. I want to add later, a warning for firefox pasters. So far
> this is what I have.
> - wiki with demo and source
> - workaround
> demo

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