Hi everyone,
                  I am very delighted to announce the release of gwt-
rcharts to GWT community. It renders interactive charts on client side
based on SVG and VML with cross browser support*.

                  The library is based on a popular javascript library
rapheaeljs and workaround with a custom modified version of gwt
wrapper raphaelgwt. All of them comes in a bundle.

                  The main theme of API is ease of use with 100%
flexibility for styling. Its also comes with many exciting themes to
give better choice for look and feel. About simplicity, its so simple
that I can give you start up a lesson for BarChart right here in this

ColumnChart chart = new ColumnChart(500, 500); //say your chart widht
and height
CategoryDataTable<Double> dataTable = new
CategoryDataTable<Double>();// data structure for category chart
dataTable.add("ser1", "cat1", 100);
dataTable.add("ser1", "cat2", 150); //...and so on just like
//you may like to apply a existing theme :-
//you may like to have a 3D view:- chart.set_3d(true);
RootLayoutPanel.get().add(chart); //done!!

                 Many more things are simply configurable by self-
explanatory setter methods and off course the API would work in
intranet unlike Visualization.

                 I would appreciate any kind of feedback, suggestion
or contribution.

*IE issue: one IE issue/bug(Probably IE bug) is still here  'http://
code.google.com/p/gwt-rcharts/issues/list' so we cant detach and then
attach Chart to a parent. The workaround solution is we will need to
add the new chart instance again to parent. Example
   Chart chart = getBarChart();
//   panel.add(chart); // upto IE8 a problem
  panel.add(getBarChart()); // works fine everywhere

I explicitly show this behavior on demo site gwt-charts.com on IE,
when switch between tabs happen.

Happy Coding!!!

Saurabh Tripathi

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