I can't get onResize() to be called on some of my panels.  I'm using
Activities and Places.  The top level panel is a DockLayoutPanel.  All
of the activity happens in the center panel.  The view I'm having
trouble with looks like this.

public class MyViewImpl extends ResizeComposite implements MyView,
RequiresResize, ProvidesResize
        interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, MyViewImpl>

        private static final Binder binder = GWT.create( Binder.class );
        @UiField SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel; // The SplitPanel
        @UiField FlowPanel westArea;           // FlowPanel in
SplitLayoutPanel's west area
        @UiField TabLayoutPanel centerArea; // Tab panel is
SplitLayoutPanel's center area
        @UiField FormPanel tab1Panel;         // Tab 1
        @UiField FormPanel tab2Panel;         // Tab 2
        @UiField HorizontalPanel tab3Panel;  // Tab 3


        public void onResize()
           // This gets called.

MyViewImpl contains a top level SplitLayoutPanel that contains two
areas.  The west area is a FlowPanel and the center area contains a
TabLayoutPanel.  The TabLayoutPanel contains three tabs.  The third
tab contains a list of image tiles and the layout is adjusted upon
resize (which I can't get to fire).

When a resize occurs, the MyViewImple receives the onResize().  I
can't get the SplitLayoutPanel to receive the events though.
Ultimately I want the resize events to propogate to the TabLayoutPanel
so the third tab can layout the image tiles based on its dimensions.

I've tried to add a resize handler to the SplitLayoutPanel like this,
but it doesn't get called.

        public MyViewImpl()
                initWidget( binder.createAndBindUi( this ) );

                ResizeHandler h = new ResizeHandler(){
                        public void onResize( ResizeEvent ev )
                                log.info( "Got Resize in splitter" );
                splitPanel.addHandler( h, ResizeEvent.getType() );

I've also tried explicitly calling onResize() in the view's onResize()
like this, but it doesn't call the SplitLayoutPanel's on onResize().

        public void onResize()
                Widget child = getWidget();
                if( child instanceof RequiresResize )

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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