On 19 January 2012 13:37, Paul Shannon <paul.thurmond.shan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I prefer not to do my GWT programming in Eclipse, nor in any IDE, even
> though that seems to be what most people use.

Only the script kiddies. ;-)

>  I looked far and wide for instruction on how to add an external
> module (like gwt-svg) to a GWT project, tried lots of variations on
> adding "inherits" to myProj.gwt.xml, looking for place to specify
> classpath, adding the external jar at various places in the project
> directory structure -- but always not quite succeeding.
> Doing this in Eclipse is well-documented, easily achieved.

I have no idea how to do this in Eclipse but I don't see why a more
manual/CLI approach would be any different.

> If I must persist :} in my command-line approach to GWT, can anyone
> explain to me what I am missing?  What exactly are all the steps
> needed to add an external project?

Add the necessary dependency to your POM (or dump it in your lib
directory if you're not using Maven) [don't forget the sources JAR!]
and add an inherits line to your *.gwt.xml. That's it.

You seem to be doing this already, so it might help if you gave
specific error messages.

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