The 2011 Google I/O session "High-performance GWT: best practices for
writing smaller, faster apps" talks a little about this.  If you
haven't watched the video yet, it might be worth your time.

On Jan 22, 11:38 am, Mike H <> wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to read my post and reply Thomas. So, just
> to make sure I understand, have you implemented the Activity as a
> singleton to prevent the Activity Manager reloading the same activity?
> If so, do you still need to know in the Activity if it is currently in
> a  "started" state?
> Just to expand on why I think these are bad solutions - I think I
> consider my attempts bad solutions because they all seem to be trying
> to get round a limitation of the Activity Manager - even with your
> solution, is it right that the Activity Manager is bypassed and the
> Activity itself is coupled to the PlaceChangeEvent? I thought the idea
> of the Place Controller and Activity Manager was to avoid the
> activities having to be concerned about handling these events. Also, I
> assume your Activity must have to look inside the PlaceChangeEvent to
> check if it is for the Place associated with the Activity? If so, this
> is really the job of the ActivityMapper, and having the Activity know
> what Place it is duplicates that information in two places.

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