Hello All:

I had a quick question regarding the implementation of Activity & Places.

During the implementation of A&P, specifically when working with the
activity, one overrides a method:

public void start(AcceptsOneWidget panel, EventBus eventBus) {

As seen above, the interface indicates that the container panel only takes
on widget or child. The consequence of this is that every time a new
activity is called, the child of the container panel is removed, the widget
to be added is also removed from any potential parent and then added to the
container panel.

Assuming I interpreted the code that handles this correctly, my question
is: Why the decision of adding/removing Vs having a Container Panel with a
Card Layout that takes widgets activating them when needed. In this case it
could be done in the activity start area.

I have tried to look around to see if somebody else asked this before and I
might even be missing the obvious, but I am particularly interested in the
rational behind the add/remove vs card layout approach here. I am thinking
it might be related to saving resources perhaps by having less elements
added to the DOM, but one would think there is a penalty also to pay when
adding/removing these views whenever a new place in the application is

Appreciate in advance any explanations/clarifications regarding this.


Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil

AOL/Yahoo/Gmail/MSN IM:  lawwton

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