I have a piece of GWT code that I wanted to invoke from outside handwritten 
JavaScript. There's an example shown here under "Calling a Java method from 
Handwritten JavaScript":

That example uses a static method; I can make that work, but my first 
instinct was that i'd rather use an instance, so using the syntax shown 
under JSNI invocations, I tried:

/* package */ native void exportJavascriptMethods( PreviewPane x ) /*-{
       $wnd.imageSelected =

That doesn't work. Eclipse (and the GWT compiler) complain:
"JavaScript parsing: Missing ) after argument list PreviewPane.java"

If I replace 'this' with 'x', same problem. If I take 'this' out and leave 
it binding to the static method:

/* package */ native void exportJavascriptMethods( PreviewPane x ) /*-{
       $wnd.imageSelected =

All is well in the world.

So -- is that just not an option, exporting an instance method like that?

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