On Monday, April 23, 2012 10:29:35 AM UTC+2, Tiago wrote:
> Hello Brandon,
> My problem isn't always "autobean is frozen", it changes, but the summary 
> is that I cannot resubmit a proxy after a server error (like an unique 
> constraint violation, for example) that ends up calling 
> Receiver.onFailure().
> The error I tend to get is DeadEntityException.
> All I want is to be able to resubmit a proxy after a problem in the 
> server. Recreate it is not an option because the user has already modified 
> it, and I want to preserve the modifications. That's probably a common use 
> case, I can't be the only one struggling with it, can I?
In RequestFactory's design, onFailure is really an exception, and should 
never happen: errors should be conveyed as special return values. That 
doesn't quite change your issue here, as the proxy wouldn't be reusable 
either: that's because, again, RF has been designed with the idea that 
things shouldn't go wrong. For instance, unique constraint violations are 
not natural for (most / non-technical) users. Moreover, those kind of 
conditions should probably be detected as ConstraintVIolations so the user 
can "fix the proxy" and "resubmit his request".


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