On Apr 25, 2012 3:46 AM, "James Wendel" <jmwen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm well aware of the other threads that exist.  But these thread
> tends to act as a central place for people to go to see if a build of
> the GWT plugin is available.  Alan has been very helpful in previous
> few FF releases on getting us new plugin builds within a day or 2.
> I'm just sitting and waiting for Alan or another Googler to say they
> have a build or are working on it.  I'm not in any real rush, just
> wanted to get the ball rolling.

I'm not annoyed by the threads asking for the progress the plugin. I'm more
annoyed by Firefox itself.

One would thought that if they were to do rapid releases, at least they'd
think of a way to provide compatibility with old plugins...

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